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About me

Julia Mary 

I was raised in South Africa and for many years my home base has been Kommetjie, a coastal village near Cape Town. The close proximity of mountain and ocean have deeply supported parenting three (now grown-up) sons and my own practice. 

As a trauma informed psychotherapist, I’ve held space for thousands of women and men who courageously journey into the tapestry of their lives, alchemising pain and learning to trust their own knowing. The beauty and value lying in the sacredness of souls meeting, unmasking and releasing holding patterns. 

Challenges in my late twenties introduced me to the analytic world of Carl Jung, catalysing a profound and painful dissolution of who I thought I was. I became immersed in the world of dreams, the pull of opposites and began to recognise the plethora of feminine archetypes. I was able to notice how my parental imprint influenced my attachment styles as well as the dance of feminine and masculine within. 

Decades later, through the tantric path, I touched deeper layers, more direct and embodied, and became fascinated by the interplay between psychology and spirituality. The psychology of complexes, conditioning and the intensity of the material world imbedded in this moment, with tantric weaving, embodiment, emptiness and absolute Truth. 

And through my passionate exploration of wild landscapes, within and without, I have grown to see the psyche as an ecological system. Our essential human nature is inseparable from the natural world.  

Honouring composting and regrowth and the cyclical ways of the feminine’s felt wisdom, I’ve learnt to ride the waves of what life presents. Planting seeds, rooting, blossoming and losing leaves like a tree. Our natural world is a magnificent resource, not to exploit but to re-Source. 

I love dancing, wild walking and swimming, gentle yoga and deep listening. I have a insatiable thirst for adventure and an endlessly curious mind. 

Trainings and inspirations


Registered Psychologist (MA degree)


SAAJA (Jung) public program since 1990

CAJS - Centre of Applied Jungian Studies


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Kabat Zinn


Shiatsu certification

Advait Tantra School 

Nondual Experiential Inquiry

Tantric Touch/Meditation

Shakti Malan - Sexual Awakening for Women

Integral Somatic Psychology

Shamanic Family Constellations Certification

Quantum Systemic Constellations Certification

Daniel Foor - Animism & Foundational Ancestral Healing

Movement Medicine

Bliss Dance
Dance Awake


Universal Heart

Flat outstretched upon a mound
Of earth I lie; I press my ear
Against its surface and I hear

Far off and deep, the measured sound
Of heart that beats within the ground.

And with it pounds in harmony
The swift, familiar heart in me.

They pulse as one, together swell,
Together fall; I cannot tell

My sound from earth’s, for I am part
Of rhythmic, universal heart.


~ Elizabeth Odell

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